Welcome to the official downloads page! Here you will find all the files needed to control, troubleshoot, and build your PETAL rig. If you plan on really diving in to the DIY side, we HIGHLY recommend you join our google group, as this will allow you to navigate to the files within google drive as a shared folder and give you the option to opt in to our monthly reports on file updates and other useful information.
PIXELcontrol.toe is the full project file set up with audio and video file input, some premade effects, a pixel mapper component, and a DMX output. This file will work "out of the box" if you are plugging in to a system with the same specs as described in the Supervalid video. Otherwise, you will need to follow the instructions provided in Pixel_instructions.pdf. Alternatively, if you are already familiar with Touchdesigner and wish to integrate our work into an existing build, you can download the individual components to drop into your project. For example, if you have an effects chain built out using TOPs and a DMX out CHOP already set up with your existing rig, you can download PIXEL.tox and wire it up to your existing project!
Complete lists of every component in the build
Building the spool is relatively straightforward, but it does still require the use of a soldering iron, 3D printer, 2000W laser cutter or applicable CNC, and drill a press.
Building the brain is on the more advanced side of things, in addition to requiring the use of a soldering iron, 3D printer, 2000W laser cutter or applicable CNC, and drill a press, you will also need to bend acrylic, embed threaded inserts, safely wire up a power supply, and configure the proper settings for your controller.
The stacker build is easy compared to the Spool and brain modules, but will still require a 3D printer and threaded inserts.